Vital Home Solution Ltd.
Combining the expertise on areas of software, hardware & solution integration for the purpose of providing a peace of mind. Vital Home Solution, offering wellness, safety and medical at home & community, especially for senior group for vital home care.
Customize the uniqueness of each community by bringing technology into life (social, mental, physical and clinical need) – linking the data flow among seniors, family & nursing center by deploying Vital Home Solution.

Synergy from a group of professionals working across medical & health industry, software & application development, hardware development and system integration.
Hardware & Solution Integration
- Over 20 years of experience in providing electronics devices
- Offering sensors and solutions in deployment of IoT
- Strong R&D and engineering team on custom-made solutions
- Extensive experience in various applications
Software Development
- Global business management experience
- Strong after-sales and follow up
- Expertise in software development, SQA and IT consulting services
- Sophisticated project management techniques & tools and large talent pool